The NSMT Best Thatched House Competition is open to all thatchers across the country and entry is free and it takes place every 2 years.
You can enter as many properties as you like as long as they have been thatched by you after 1st of January 2018 and completed before 31st December 2019 – please use a separate form for each roof.
To enter, download the application form – click here
Ask the owner of the property for permission and take 4 good A4 size photos of the property and send with the signed and completed form to the address on the form.
Pre-judging from the photos will take place in January 2020 to reach a short list of 6 roofs which will be inspected by the team of judges. Some of the things the judges will be looking at will be:
- Overall looks
- Selection and use of material
- Lay of the material
- Detailing of the ridge
- Neatness of netting
The winners will be announced at the NSMT Annual Conference Dinner in 2020 (date TBC).
Why not tell your local paper, TV and all your friends that you have entered?
The closing date is 31st December 2019